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Customized knee replacements changing the way knee surgery is performed for some

Augusta, GA – Doctors Hospital now offers a partial knee replacement specifically designed for each individual patient from ConfoMIS, Inc. Partial knee replacement refers to a surgery designed to treat just one or two compartments in a knee, a great option for the younger, more active patient that hospitals are seeing more and more of.

Why does this procedure help patients?

Each implant is specifically made for each patient. Using 3D CT scan images, a patient’s own knee anatomy provides the template to create the customized knee implant. This helps to preserve more of the healthy bone and tissue and provides the opportunity for a smaller incision and shorter recovery time.

“This procedure allows us to match an individual’s shape an anatomy resulting in more natural alignment and better bone preservation. Because this produces less trauma than a standard full knee replacement procedure, we see a shorter and faster recovery time which means a happy, healthy patient,” says Dr. John Franklin, orthopedic surgeon at Doctors.

How does a patient get a “customized” knee?

Should a patient and surgeon determine the patient is a good candidate, the surgeon will order a CT scan of the knee. The CT scan will be sent to ConforMIS for review and implant production. The customized knee is sent to the hospital for implantation within approximately six weeks from receipt of the scan.

Many patients are able to weight-bear and walk with an aid within hours following surgery. Surgical patient Linda Griffiths notes that, “Before this procedure I was barely able to walk from my car to the entrance at work. Now I’m completely pain free and more mobile than I have been in years. I was amazed at how quickly I recovered and how great I feel now.”

Interview Opportunities:

Dr. John Franklin, Orthopedic Surgeon at Doctors Hospital

Linda Griffith, ConforMIS surgical patient